UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Advanced Computing

Coding Challenge

The first-year cohort participates in the AIMLAC Coding Challenge, in which teams are formed with researchers from each institution.

The challenge runs throughout the first year, with teams collaborating remotely, using virtual environments such as Git and Slack, and with support provided by the Supercomputing Wales Research Software Engineers. During the year, teams regularly communicates progress with the cohort and the challenge coordinator, and are given the next step in the challenge. The goal is to become proficient in the use of virtual tools, develop as a supportive and stimulating team, and learn to collaborate and communicate efficiently, skills required throughout the four-year journey and beyond.

The Coding Challenge is delivered by Supercomputing Wales (SCW) Research Software Engineers:
  • Dr Ed Bennett (SCW, Swansea Academy for Advanced Computing)
  • Dr Julian Lenz (SCW, Swansea Academy for Advanced Computing)
  • Dr Colin Sauze (formerly at SCW, Aberystwyth University)